Friday, October 2, 2009

Jayson's Birthday Part Two

Birthday Party (Day before his actual birthday)

We weren't going to throw a birthday party for Jayson this year, choosing to take him apple picking instead, but when Grandma mentioned that she was having all the kids over for pizza the day before his birthday opportunity struck and I could not ignore it. I told Grandma I'd like to bring a cake by that night, and that's exactly what we did. We order a cake from LaSalle Bakery and met everyone at Grandma's for pizza. Afterwards we had a cake for Jayson. The cake was exceptional... it had his favorite Disney characters on it (from the CARS movie). It was a chocolate cake with fresh strawberries and french vanilla custard inside, my favorite! Before we cut it Jayson yelled "Don't cut the car!".

By the way, Dominic at LaSalle's Bakery makes the most amazing, yummy cakes.

Then Jayson opened all of his gifts, lots of fun toys and adorable clothes. It's almost midnight and I will admit that he is still up playing with some new trucks and his new Vtech laptop. It's his birthday (kind of), so he's getting away with it. Tomorrow he'll have all day to play with his new things, plus he's still got one awesome toy from Grandpa & Grandma coming to him!

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