Thursday, September 10, 2009

Therapy on Tuesday was a nightmare. It was so bad that it gave me that little extra push I needed to put my foot down and insist on a serious schedule for Jayson. So I went to see his doctor on Wednesday and together we came up with a schedule that is fair to Jayson and will also reinforce the bahavior we want to see. He has to get up at 8:00 every morning and nap again by 12 or 12:30, so that he is refreshed for afternoon therapy. It also helps him to be tired enough to go to bed early. And he's doing all of this in his own bed!! Which is a big change from sleeping on the couch the last six months. We have a reward chart now and he gets stickers on it for meeting all of his goals, which include waking up, taking naps and going to bed nicely as well as brushing his teeth, cleaning up toys and paying attention in therapy. So far so good. The last two days he has napped and slept at night in his room. He has been in a much better mood all day long and his therapist are surprised at the change. He still gives me a little issue with sleeping in his bed, but we made it clear to him that it was no longer negotiable and he seems to be accepting it. I gave him a "Good Dreams Car", which is a gold matchbox car that he holds on to at bedtime. I told him it will send him lots of good dreams and keep all the bad ones away and it seems to be helping.

His ABA yesterday was great. He did everything he needed to and was very interactive with Sophia. Speech today was good as well. It is only a half hour session and I kind of feel like not much gets done during it. I am trying to give the therapist some time to really get into it, since she also works at a school and this is her first week back. One more week and hopefully she will have things worked out better here. I have to remind her to bring my goal calander next week...

We did get some other big news today... first, here is Jayson's reaction:

And the news
Jayson is going to be a big brother!!!!
It is super super early and I won't even be seeing my OBGYN until Monday, but I took like four of these just to be sure. We are so excited!! We only came to our final decision about having number 2 a few weeks ago, and we kind of expected it to take a couple of months. But it didn't! So we have an appointment with our wonderful OBGYN on Monday morning. It will definetly be too early for an ultrasound but they are going to do the routine bloodwork up and everything. Since my last pregnancy was calssified High Risk from a medical condition I already know there are going to be a lot of precautions this time around. I almost didn't want to tell anyone this early, but I decided no one really reads this and I was going to explode if I didn't say it somewhere!
Anyway, everyone is asleep and I'm going to join them, so until next time, love & light..

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