Thursday, September 3, 2009

ABA Therapy Part One and Some New Progress

We are now set up with a speech therapist and ABA specialist for behavioral therapy. We are still waiting to hear from the occupational therapist, but I am grateful to have this much figured out. So far we have speech on Tuesday and Thursday and ABA on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We have playhouse on Wednesday as well. I am hoping the OT takes place on Monday & Thursday. He will have two sessions each day Monday - Thursday but will have a three day break afterwards. I guess we will have to wait and see where the occupational therpist can fit us in.

So Sophia came by for our first ABA session today. Jayson took to her quickly, especially once he saw she had play food and cars. He did well, in my opinion, repeating words like banana (nana) and open for Sophia. We were given a Calendar for this month. Each month Jayson will get a new goal and we have to record how well he does every day. This month his goal is to learn to sound out and repeat words relating to food during mealtimes so that he will be able to better communicate his needs in terms of eating. So each day that he meets the goal by sounding out and repeating various food words we put a check on the calendar. Any day that he doesn't gets a minus and the calendars are used by his service coordinator to track his progress. Of course Jay and I have to work with him constantly to meet the goals. It is nice though because it gives us a "group" of words to focus on which makes me feel like we are taking control of the speech issue instead of being overwhelmed by it.

Today he repeated banana for me (by saying nana). He actually used that one a lot before dinner because I just bought bananas and he loves to eat them. He also said pear and peach when I sat him in front of the fuit bowl to indentify fruit. Later on, during dinner, he asked for a drink and I asked him if he wanted water or milk and he said "juice" which is a big deal to me because he rarely uses a word by himself. Normally he will only repeat a word after someone else says it.

I really feel so much more organized and in control by having a goal and knowing what exactly we need to work on each day. And I am so happy to see him being receptive to repeating the words and even using them himself to indicate what he wants! I think this is a huge step in the right direction!

Besides the therapy today we also had our new mattress and coffee table delivered and I'm glad to have that out of the way. The rest of the day was spent cooking and cleaning up after the furniture delivery. I am exhausted now, and I'm hoping to convince Jayson to sit down to watch a movie with me for a bit before bed. Hopefully it will be an early night (I know I say that every night and it never happens...)!

Good Night!

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