Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why I think the world is ending, and the never ending day...

Today started out good. Jayson got a big surprise when little Miss Lucy, my oh-so-adorable niece popped in for an early visit. They got to spend an about an hour playing before Lucy had to go and Jayson had to get ready for speech therapy.

So after that we began our second speech therapy session, which was short and painless and Jayson seemed to enjoy playing with the therapist and the toys she brought. He really loved the Mr. Potato Head and after buttering Daddy up after work he wound up owning his very own. Jay had a surprise for me as well.. when he came home he announced that he was making dinner tonight. This is where the "I think the world may be ending" bit comes in. I was very surprised, but pleased, and Jay served us a delicious dinner earlier tonight.

I finally got the ABA specialist on the phone and we've worked out a schedule. So now that's two out of three therapists. Jayson gets ABA on Monday, speech and ABA on Tuesday, ABA on Wednsday, Speech on Thursday and... here's my exiting news... Jayson got accepted into Playhouse, which is pretty much the only Mommy & Me playgroup in our area! I was very excited to day to find out that he's not being wait listed. He will be doing that one Wednsday as well, before ABA therapy. So our schedule is pretty full already. We still have to fit in two OT sessions somewhere. The next year is going to be insane.

Anyway, we had to run some errands and fit in food shopping tonight and I am exhausted. Tomorrow is our meet n greet with the ABA specialist and I am having our coffee table and new mattress delivered, so I expect to be pretty busy all day, but I will update when I can!

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