Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day One

I am starting this blog as a way to (hopefully) keep in touch with family we don't see often, to let them know how crazy we are what's going on in our lives. Also, I hope this serves a  record of all those little, everyday things I never get around to scrapbooking about.

As I start this I am 23 years old, Mom to an almost two year old monster boy, Jayson, wife to 27 year old marine enthusiest, Jason (Jay). We share our home with a yorkshire terrier who will be three this week, a bearded dragon and a handful of fish. We are avid gamers and generally awesome, fun people and (little known fact) I am, quite possibly, the most awesome person you will ever meet (I'm just kidding... sort of) ;)

Jayson is developmentally delayed, due to an illness. He is starting speech, occupational and ABA therapy in the next couple of weeks. We will have 7 therapy sessions a week, which makes me think our lives are about to get a bit crazier. My goal is to get at least one short entry in here a day so everyone will know how we're doing and so that we have something to look back on years from now when Jayson's big and doesn't believe he ever wanted to spend this much time with us.

Anyway, time to start thinking about bed, but hopefully I'll be back here soon.

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