Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Breakfast I Didn't Cook & Speech Therapy Begins

So I woke up today, rolled out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom. About halfway there I realized the house was filled with a buttery, delicious smell. Further investigation led me to the kitchen, where I found this:

Yes, that is Jay making a grilled cheese breakfast. I am unfamiliar with the mayo technique, but I assure you it was quite tasty. This is only the second time I have ever seen Jay cook, so it was definetly a surprise. Oh, and I blurred the edges a bit because that's how things look to me before I've had caffine in the morning.

After breakfast Jay went off to work and Jayson and I went out to get some errands done. After picking up a few household essentials (read: Red Bull) Jayson spotted this lovely toy in the store:

Knowing that we would probably be spending 30+ minutes on line at the bank I told him we could buy it. Turns out this "Dancing Truck" actually lights up and plays some sort of annoying, repetitive techno jingle while boucing up and down. Let's just say there was a collective sigh of relief when we finally left the bank. Unfortunetly I was not part of it because I had to take this toy home with me.

We had our first meeting with the speech pathologist, Doriann, this evening. Jayson was tired and grumpy, so he wasn't interested in interacting with her at first but warmed up towards the end and wound up crying when she left. She is coming back tomorrow evening for his first official therapy session. We are still waiting to hear from the other therapists, which is lucky for Doriann because right now she gets her pick of days.

We decided to take it easy for the rest of the evening. I'm going to pop in a Disney movie and pop us some popcorn so we can camp out in front of the TV and relax a bit. Last night Jayson was up until 3am and somewhere along the way he got his hands on the TV remote and recorded The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. I figure if he's going to fill up the DVR behind my back at least he's choosing good programs to do it with. But hopefully tonight will be an earlier one!

I'll be back around tomorrow, so until then.. goodnight!

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